Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Of Thank You & Changes

I read a post somewhere about not apologizing for not blogging or something like that.  While I get the idea, I do feel I owe faithful visitors some kind of explanation for extended lapses in posting or commenting.  I value the readers who take time to visit The Cottage on the Corner and leave a comment.  So thank you!  You are much appreciated and treasured.
Change is a good thing.  It's through changes that we grow, at least I do and I can feel it in my bones...a growth spurt is happening.  This has been a busy summer so far and the busy is morping into busier!  I'm going to try and be a better blogger in the coming weeks, but at this time The Cottage on the Corner must continue to take a place of less prominence in my life.  A few weeks down the road, I'll likely be off the grid for awhile, but I'll be back to open the doors to the Cottage on the Corner and bid you welcome, but for now... 

May your summer be as a happy as a sunflower 

And as golden as a field of ripe wheat beneath a 4th of July sky



  1. (Never apologize, never explain says NellJean) But we do like to know you are taking a blog break, you're OK, happy, and you'll be back? Yes?

    Blogs come and go. I see you still have Edith Hope on your sidebar. Her last post, was her Last Post, goodbye.

  2. i am happy to know you are planning to return later in the year....sometimes a break from anything in life is a good thing, revitalizing and i too have been taking time from my blog as in writing posts for several months and it IS freeing. I like to keep up via the reader with my blogging friends and had wondering about you. much love for a happy summer and thank you for the loveliness.♥

  3. Hi Diana...Nell Jean's blog might be where read about not apologizing for not blogging. Things are changing around here and it looks like I'll be moving. I'm also have a project I'm working on. These new changes in my life are just taking up too much time. So yes, I'm happy and well.

    I keep Edith Hope's blog on my list in case I want to read old posts once in awhile. I sure do miss her grand way with words.

    Thanks for stopping by and take care!

  4. Gentle hugs to you, Linda. Oh yes, I need to revitalize or fill the well from time to time and wish I had some time to do just that, but I've been so busy that I've not had the time. Once I'm settled in, after the move, I'll be blogging on a regular schedule again or at least more frequently.

    Take care of sweet, gentle you.

  5. Enjoy your time off. We all need a break sometimes and summer is a busy time anyway.

  6. Thank you for those beautiful photos! Enjoy your time away and i shall be looking for when you come into view once more.


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