Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Good bye & Hello

With a wave good-bye 2012 became twelve months of memories stashed away in files with names like good times, remember when, and glad that's over.

The year began with imagine, a chosen word that lasted a month or two and ended with months of blog silence. No banners proclaiming The Cottage on the Corner as a stand out blog will fly in the winter sky. Nope...2012 went out in silence.  

When all aspects  of blogging become a chore it's time to take a break so in the midst of penning a whine, I simply stopped, clicked the X in the right hand corner and walked away. 

Taking photos came to a screeching halt the September day I set my camera aside. I could go into a long list of reasons as to why I stopped photographing my world,but I'd rather not. 

With no picture taking going on, no posting to a blog, and frustration fueled by the loss of a friendship, I returned to writing. I can lose myself in research and words and so I did.  I'm nearing the end of a first draft that needs to be edited and edited again before it's ready for submission, but submit it I will.  

Hello 2013! There will be no resolutions this year or promises to be broken.  Choosing a word to live by for the year is not in the stars, but if I were to choose a word it would be fearless, but I'm not going to. Nor am I committing to 365 photos or a year of challenges.  Heck, I refuse to promise that I'll update The Cottage on the Corner in a consistent manner.  In fact, I'm making no promises to anyone about anything and that includes myself. Geez it feels good to say that.   

What I am asking of 2013 is simply this...May you be kind to me and all those who could use a soft place to land every once in awhile. 



  1. Dear Teresa, I'm not making resolutions this year either. Happy New Year! P. x

  2. Beautifully written. Heartfelt and real. I so appreciate your words...and I feel there are a lot of us out there waking up in 2013. No BS...no self imposed pressures. Just being human and real and sometimes vulnerable. Kindness is key. xo


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