Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday Morning Page I was reading my well-worn book, The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron and thinking that it's been a long time since I wrote morning pages. I thought about taking out pen and paper, as she strongly encourages, but instead I think I'll just write it out here.  Please excuse bad grammar, misspelled words, and any salty language that may occur.  This is all about free thought writing.  Just getting it down. So here goes....

Monday, September 10th

Leon grapes at Stoney Ridge Winery photograph taken 9/9/2011
What a glorious weekend of cool, early fall temps and sunshine. Much was accomplished.  The pie safe is reorganized with all the 'stuff' that makes me smile like a little white cream pitcher, odds and end dishes, a few old tins, graniteware, and those pesky cookbooks that defy organization. It's a treasure trove of still lifes just waiting for me to photograph.  The little stand that M sanded was painted on Saturday.  It was ready to place in the kitchen by late afternoon.  It's opened things up and provided much needed counter space in the tiny kitchen. Damn! I love an organized home!

M has joined the Obama campaign as a volunteer, putting in around 8 hours this weekend.  I'm so proud of her!  I don't tell her that often enough.

I'm such a doofus sometimes. I lost the cord thingie to my cell phone and it's out of juice.  Anyone trying to call is going to get voice mail.  SHEESH! The prospects of designing a blog for another person is on the horizon and now I'm without my phone.  I wonder if it's all that smart to get  rid of land lines.  Oh well...too late now.

I wish I knew how to quiet the monkey on my back.  It's constantly cautioning me to be careful, don't reach for the brass ring because I'll probably fall off trying to grasp it.  Besides just who do I think I am?   The editor in me just has to go back and check for mistakes...that's so not morning page kosher, but it's nagging me like crazy.  Is that a bit o/c?  I just can't help myself. 

So there it is, a morning page snippet. Have you ever read The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron?  How about morning pages, have you ever gotten up early, sat down with a cup of coffee and wrote all that was on your mind?  I did it for years, but stopped a year or so ago.  I'm not sure why I stopped...I just did.  Maybe it's time to get back to it.  It feels good to celebrate the small victories and get rid of the crap that pisses me off.  Give it a try.  You just never know how it might make you feel.  Check out Julia's website here.   Curious about morning pages?  You can find morning page information here and here
What does the photo have to do with morning pages?  Not a daggon thing...I just like it. 

Create a wonderful day! 



  1. Well I truly enjoyed your morning pages...may just have to check this out. And I loved your last daggon line...!!

    1. Do check out morning pages. There something liberating about putting it in writing. I highly recommend Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way. It's filled with loads of inspiration.

  2. I'm proud of you too, Mom!


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