Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Blog Design & Focus

Greetings!  Long time no see!  Well I've been visiting once in a while and leaving comments here and there, but I admit I've been neglecting the blog world.  I'm in the state of wishy-washy can't decide which way to go.  I've made umpteen headers for The Cottage unsatisfied with any of them.  Here's a sample:
 I want a new look, but finding that perfect blend of imaginative graphics that convey the message I want is proving to be something of a conundrum.

So what I do I want The Cottage on the Corner to be?  I've thought long and hard about that as I turn the corner toward something new.  The Cottage started out as a garden blog, but morphed into being more about photography as I discovered the joy taking photos brings me. And by the way, this is not my first blog.  I had a couple blogs on Wordpress before moving to Blogger.  I've had blogs about writing, a couple blogs under pseudonyms, and personal blogs. I've blogged with another person and created a blog for a business. 

Learning design and how to create unique blogs has been fun and frustrating, but the bottom line is I really enjoy it. BUT...I can't seem to come up with a cohesive idea for The Cottage on the Corner, which is why it's taking me so long.  I wonder...could it be because The Cottage on the Corner lacks focus?  Is it time to close the doors and head in a new direction all together?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on blogging and honest opinions about the headers up there.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A couple things are happening around here. It's so quiet that it's nearly distracting and I've been so busy on projects that there's been little time for posting at the Cottage.  It's going to continue to be quiet at the Cottage on the Corner. When I said I was joining the August Break, it wasn't planned for it to be quite like this.

For the next few days and possibly a week or so, this little corner of the blogosphere will be undergoing some drastic changes. There may be days when you can't view the site at all....not to worry, it's just me designing and tweaking behind the scenes.

In the meantime check out this fun & crazy blog.  

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

~ George Bernard Shaw

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Color of Morning

Have you ever wished you could capture the colors of a morning?  When the sun rises in pinks and fills the earth with light I am filled with wonder and long to hold on to the painting. Since I cannot hold the beauty in my hand I'll create it. I set to work in Elements 10 stacking four morning glory photos on top of each other, adding touches of delicate light, and finally a soft Kim Klassen texture.

Draw out the colors using The Coffee Shop's Color Bar.  Add a bit of text and there it is...a pink sunrise in the depths of a morning glory.     
Editing Story


Monday, August 6, 2012

Random Stuff

Here we are six days into August and I'm making my first post.  I took up the August Break banner challenging myself to take at least one photo every day and post it, but or rather a yard sale just got in the way. 

Have you ever held a yard sale at your home? It's a ton of work, but a great way to purge your house and life of all those bits that accumulate while we're busy living.  And then there are those who decide it's time to unload generations of stuff.

Check out the antique black stroller, yep that's a stroller called the The Junior Tourist. The metal blue stroller is a more recent model.  One gentleman purchased both stollers.

We had two-legged and four-legged visitors.  An adorable Westie stopped by with his lady to browse treasures of all kinds.
 No matter how I tried I just couldn't get him to look at me.  Isn't he cute? 

Cheerios looks so much more delicious in a close-up photo than in person.  Well...that takes me up to three photos.

Today I've promised myself some photo time and I'm going to keep that promise.  Where ever you are, I hope you've been blessed with a glorious day that is as fine as it is here in nw Ohio this 70-something degrees morning. 
My photo editing consisted of a bit of cropping and punching up the color in Elements 10.